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How does real estate law differ between condos and single-family dwellings?
Significant differences exist between the two. On this episode of Ready, Set, Renovate, we speak with real estate attorney Mike Burrell. He’s been practicing real estate law for over 35 years and offers legal insight about condos. In our conversation, we cover topics ranging from title searches to first right of refusal to emerging trends in real estate law. This is a great opportunity to 1) get a concise, valuable overview of condo real estate law and 2) meet someone who can help with the sale or purchase of your next property!
So let’s get to it!
How might your home or condo benefit from a Guide-Design-Build remodel? Speak with a Daniel Builders project guide by calling 864.506.5546 and discuss the best path forward for your custom renovation or get your renovation started here!
0:00 Introduction
0:46 Mike's Background & Experience
1:36 Distinctions of Condo Real Estate
3:15 Condo Ownership Rights
4:26 Condo Maintenance Responsibilities
5:04 Considerations for Condo Title Deed Searches
6:18 Condo HOA & First Right of Refusal
7:31 The Future of Condo Real Estate Law
9:33 Conclusion
10:53 How to Contact Daniel Builders
11:03 Invitation to Future Podcast Guests